Helical Piers
Helical piers are the most affordable means of stabilization for most homes. They are foundation support systems that consist of steel shafts with a helical shaped blade. These piers are driven into the ground using the power of an excavator engine. Helical piers take advantage of engineering technology used to repair damaged foundations and overcome issues caused by weak and unstable soil conditions. Especially here in North Carolina where the red clay basin does not drain well. Helical piers come with a lifetime warranty against further settlement. This warranty can be transferred if you ever decide to sell your home. Depending on your circumstances, Triangle Reconstruction offers several different products. A completely galvanized steel helical pier, two sizes of cylindrical-shaft helical piers, and the commercial concrete caisson for heavier structures.
- Helical Piles are load rated to hold up to 20,000 pounds per pier.
- Can be used in restrictive overhead areas for easy access.
- Can be installed on steep slopes and even in crawl spaces

Galvanized brackets are bolted on the bottom of the concrete footing. Helical piers are engineered so the pier can be screwed into the ground with an auger bit. We use the power of an excavator to ensure that the pier is to the correct depth. The depth is determined by a structural engineer after evaluating the soil conditions and weight of your home. Resistance is measured by a pressure gauge as the piles are drilled into the ground. The piers are secured to the bottom of your foundation with a 12” bracket. The piles extend down to load bearing soil at a recommended level.